OMMPOS Updates

11/16/2018 7:36:04 PM +00:00

We are developing a lot of cool stuff over here at Marijuana Software and I wanted to share some of the developments with you and get your feedback.

We have intergrated with AnD and Star Micronics model scales. Now that we can talk to these scales the question is how to get the scale data to the POS which is a website? We have come up with 2 solutions. IoT and the first OMMPOS App. A lot of people have said to us 'This thing needs to be an app on the computer.' We are building a new sales screen app that integrates directly with your scales and printers. We are very excited about this development. We are also launching an Internet of Things (IoT) service that will transmit your scale data to the regular OMMPOS sales screen in real-time. Pretty cool. We will be lauching protypes of both apps in the next week. Please hit us up with questions and feedback. Thanks! Raja 

Here is a video of late night at the Marijuana Software Labs


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