Fixed: Metrc Package Refresh

3/1/2018 10:22:51 PM +00:00

Our Metrc Refresh Packages functionality was unavailable for part of today. This happened because of ongoing changes to the METRC API.

METRC has been making changes to their API in a way that has occasionally affected OMMPOS functionality. Last month METRC made a change that affected the way we retrieve package information. It took us a week to respond to this sudden change. METRC made another change today that also affected Refreshing Packages. This time we addressed the change within 1 hour of being notified. Refreshing Metrc Packages works normally again.

We are committed to be the best POS system in Oregon and we pride ourselves on our rapid response to changes in the Oregon industry. Thank you for your support. - Raja Afrika (971) 276 - 3371

Tags: Oregon Members METRC Bug Fixes Packages

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